quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2017



No Dia da Europa (9 de maio) comemora-se a paz e a unidade na Europa. Esta data assinala o aniversário da histórica «Declaração Schuman» de 1950.

Tomorrow is #EuropeDay! WeEU…
…because we love to live in peace 
…because we love to be united in diversity 
…because we love to travel freely
…because we love having the choice to work and live in another EU country
…because of Erasmus
…because we can receive medical attention abroad with our EU Health Card
…because the EU is the biggest humanitarian donor in the world
…because we love solidarity
…because we love when we get our Bachelor Degree in France and it is also valid in Romania
…because the toys for our kids are safe
…because we love to roam - but we don't like roaming charges
…because we have a common shared history, monuments, art, films
…because we love how the EU protects habitats, forests and the environment
…because my fundamental rights are protected

(European Commission)

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